Diffuse Despair

Los Angeles is burning. Donald Trump will be sworn into office on Monday. If you want to go to your doctor, you might have to wait til July.

During the pandemic, I asked you to send in audio from wherever you were, so we could make a show about what the pandemic sounded like. I’d like to try that again now. I want to make a show about the sound of diffuse despair….the sound of right now.  

Maybe you can record a call to your health insurance company, or a call to your cell phone company. Or the self checkout at the grocery store. If you’re in a place that recently flooded, maybe you can walk around describe what you see, and what it’s like there. Or a recording of your conversation during the inauguration….

Whatever occurs to you. Just record things on your phone and send the recordings to me at rumblestripvermont@gmail.com.

Below are some pictures that might inspire you.

Thank you all for making another show with me!



What Class Are You Tankhun?