What Class Are You Tankhun?

What Class Are You? is a periodic series about the ways that socioeconomic class shapes our lives.

Tankhun Thongjunthoug’s parents each moved alone to the United States from Thailand in their early twenties to make a new life for themselves. They met in Los Angeles, and started a restaurant there, and a family. But Tankhun’s father wanted a safer place for his family, so in 2008 they moved to Vermont, where they had to work their way back to owning a business. Their restaurant in Montpelier, Pho Thai Express, has been open since 2015. In this episode of What Class are You?, we talk about what it was like to grow up in an immigrant family, and how Tankhun experienced the undercurrents of the American class system.

Thank you Vermont Public for allowing me to share this series on Rumble Strip.




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