Makeup for Special Occasion
Tiana and I talk about what she has planned for her 1-year anniversary with her boyfriend.
The Farm, from THE BIG PONDER
Ira is a story keeper who collects epic tales from his everyday life.
Bell Rising
Finn's bell finds its home at Hazen Union High School and rings in the Hardwick Memorial Day Parade.
Helena Becomes an American
Helena is taking her citizenship test. I asked her to record what it feels like to become an American.
It's New Years. Remember Grant Owen.
I was cleaning and listening to Foreigner and I thought of Grant Owen. The perfect company for New Years.
Awful Sisters Christmas. Pandemic Year Two.
It's been another hard year for Pam and Andrea and Amanda.
Hill Farm. A Tribute to Peter Dunning
After forty years farming this land, Peter Dunning is getting done.
Susan Asks, For Who? For What?
Susan delivers a dead owl to the Fairbanks Museum and then we talk about Covid.
Growing Up in a War
Irfan tells me I can't understand war. I asked him to tell me about it anyway.
An Interview About Interviewing with Jane Lindholm
I ask Jane Lindholm all the questions I've been wanting to ask for years. In her garage.
Police Log: Don't Park Too Close Edition
Police here in central Vermont have been overrun with calls...and the cases are complex. Here is a special report.
Leland First Responder
Leland joined the volunteer fire department and I got a ride in his really loud truck.