What Class Are You Damian?
What Class Are You? is a periodic series about the ways that socioeconomic class shapes our lives, even though we don’t like to talk about it. I make this series for Vermont Public and I’ll be running the new shows on Rumble Strip all this week.
Damian Renzello lives one town over from me in East Montpelier and he’s the owner of and inventor of Porta Rinks, which is a portable ice rink kit. Damian is who you call if you want your own personal hockey rink and everything that goes with it. In this episode, Damian talks about the difference between white collar and blue collar, and we compare notes on our lives because we are exactly the same age and we both grew up in Vermont and then I went to college and took tap dancing and he joined the army.
Thanks to Vermont Public for allowing me to air the series on Rumble Strip