Forrest is Getting Done…for now.

I’ve made lots of stories about my friend Forrest Foster, a dairy farmer in Hardwick. He prides himself on being an ‘independent dairyman’. But a couple months ago, Forrest sold the cows.

The last couple years have been hard on him. He lost his wife Karen. His barn isn’t up to code so he recently lost his insurance. He can’t keep the wood furnace burning in the house while he’s doing chores in the barn this winter. There are also complicated, personal challenges that Forrest is facing, which contributed to this decision.


This is a story about why Forrest Foster is getting done wtih dairy farming…at least for now.

NOTE! Since this show aired, a lot of people have asked me how they can help Forrest. Here’s a link to a Go Fund Me for Forrest!


What Now Sounds Like


The Aphasia Choir