Another Day Older

I was meeting a friend at a coffee shop and a song came on the radio that I hadn't heard since I was in my late twenties. It reminded me of a time when I'd stay up all night long with friends, talking and drinking around bonfires. It was before children and spouses, and before everyone moved to wherever it is they went. It was a time when we had endless amounts of time.So when I heard this song after so long, I remembered this time. And it hadn’t occurred to me until right then, twenty years later, standing in this coffee shop, that that time was over. And twenty years had passed.It all happened so…gradually.In this show, you'll hear from women of all ages, from five to eighty-five. They talk about how they imagine their lives will be, how their lives are, and how their lives have been.Welcome![soundcloud url="" params="color=ff5500&inverse=false&auto_play=false&show_user=true" width="100%" height="20" iframe="true" /][display_podcast] CreditsI produced this program with my great friend Tamar Cole, who is a screenwriter, playwright and writing coach. She lives in Montpelier, VermontMany thanks to these great people for their time and their insights:Mary WesleyLee CasagrandeBess O'BrienMary JacobsenLeda SchubertMarilyn SkoglundHelen Rose Warshovsky (photographed above...)Brenna ChristiansonAine Fannon


Cats on Boats


Police Log, May 2015