The Puppy Diaries

I've been thinking of getting a dog for years but even though I have an eighteen-year-old son, I've never felt mature enough to have a dog. So when my friend Chris told me he and his partner Beth were getting a puppy, I asked if he'd chronicle the event, and for the next seven months, he sent me recordings of what it was like to have a puppy. It was hilarious and weird and totally harrowing.Here are the Puppy Diaries.


Thanks SO MUCH to Christopher Attaway and Beth Lewis for making these recordings. They are so goddamn beautiful and I will be forever grateful.

Thank you Tobin Anderson for your help in the edit.

Beth is a writer and performer and Chris makes a podcast called Left of the Dial, which is awesome. To hear the other Rumble Strip episode featuring Chris and Beth before their life with Mouse, click here.


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