Free Soup. Come.

Rose Friedman and some friends decided to start making free meals on Wednesday nights for anyone who wants them. They set up outside the East Hardwick Grange Hall. A lot of people around here are making food for neighbors during Covid. But Rose isn’t making food because of Covid. Or not exactly. She wants to see what will happen. Who will come and get the food and what will it be like when they come to get the food and if a lot of really different kinds of people come to get the food, what will they all talk about in front of the grange hall? It's like a combination of science project and putting on a show, which is one reason why I like Rose, and why I wanted to watch her make soup.
VPR show about Rose and Justin and Modern Times Theater
Modern Times TheaterMusic for this show by Brian Clark
Thanks to Tobin Anderson and Amelia Meath