Poopy Old Man

We are all busy getting older, for better and for worse. Here is an unvarnished perspective on aging by author Marc Estrin.Marc Estrin is a writer, cellist and political activist who lives in Burlington, Vermont. His most recent book, And Kings Shall Be Thy Nursing Fathers, features the ruminations of Tchaikovsky’s corpse. You can find it on Amazon here, or order it from a local bookstore.Marc Estrin’s NovelsThe Prison Notebooks of Alan Krieger (Terrorist)When the Gods Come Home to RoostTsim-tsumThe Good Doctor GuillotinThe Annotated NoseSkulkThe Lamentations of Julius MarantzGolem SongThe Education of Arnold HitlerInsect Dreams, the Half Life of Gregor SamsaMarc Estrin’s MemoirRehearsing With Gods: Photographs and Essays on the Bread & Puppet Theater (with Ron Simon, photographer) 




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