Our Show Four

Here is Our Show 4, your recordings during the pandemic. Thank you for sending me remarkable recordings from all over the world, and the intense privilege of making shows with them.In this show you hear from:

  • Bill in New York City

  • Clive in Toronto

  • Tim in Durango, Colorado

  • Bianca in New York City

  • Andrew’s son reading Pi in Northhampton, Mass.

  • Kelly in New Braunfels, Texas

  • Ralph in North Wolcott, Vermont

  • Amelia in Durham North Carolina

Music by hand habits and Amelia Meath.

Your Recordings!

Keep sending your stories, from wherever you are. I listen to every one of them. And I’m pulling from ALL of them to make these new shows. Sing a song. Record a phone call, or an argument, or your thoughts in the middle o fthe night. Say the location and the date at the beginning. And tell your friends to send their tape too. I’m hoping we make something that sounds like what’s happening. Send me your recordings at rumblestripourshow@gmail.com, and if you cant figure out how to do it….I’m happy to say that Transom is now a collaborator on Our Show. Transom is sort of where new radio gets born, and I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have become a radio producer if they didn’t exist back when I started. Thank you so much to Jay Allison and to Scott Carrier for support, and to Samantha Broun for support and editing.


Our Show Five


Our Show Three