Our Show One

It's amazing. An entire planet of people living mostly in isolation...or those of us lucky enough to be well. It’s the darkest thing to happen in my lifetime, but also strangely the most unifying. We’re all experiencing the very same thing at the same time, but not together. Which is why I wanted to make this show.I asked you to send me recordings from where you are so we could make a show about all of us. And you did. And they are remarkable, and there are too many to make just one show. So I'm going to just keep making this show, called Our Show, for as long as you want to to send me your recordings from wherever you are in isolation. And we can keep each other company. So here goes.
More!Keep sending recordings! Your handwashing, your arguments, your thoughts in the middle of the night...your songs and hummings....whatever. And tell your friends to send their recordings too. Just email me at rumblestripvermont@gmail.com, or send files via wetransfer.com.
Credits:In this show you hear from Tristan from Tasmania, Helena DeGroot in New York City, Cali from Florida and her friend Keri from Durham North Carolina, Clark from Atlanta, Georgia, Tom and Liam from Columbus, Ohio, and Deb and Gary in Montpelier, Vermont. Also birds and Aoife the cat from Woodbury, Vermont.Picture by Helena DeGroot
Sponsor (TAKEOUT FROM HONEY ROAD!!!)This show is sponsored by the excellent people at Honey Road, making the best food in Burlington on the corner of Church and Main. They are now serving takeout. Please order up from them, ok? Click on the picture and check out the menu…