Captain JP Sinclair
Captain JP Sinclair has been at the center of over five-hundred death investigations and a hundred-and-one homicides in the state of Vermont. He served as the state's chief criminal investigator and he led the Vermont State Police's Bureau of Criminal Investigations. He was also instrumental in forming a major crime unit in the state of Vermont to handle the state’s most egregious cases.
And we used to play little league together.JP and I went to Charlotte Central School together from Kindergarten through eighth grade. And when you go to a school as small as ours, you remember each other. And what I remember about JP is just that he was just a decent kid. He helped Mrs. Atkins clean up the cafeteria after lunch.JP retired from the Vermont State Police in September, 2018.
We talked about his life in the VSP. We don’t get into the explicit details of homicides, but I do want to warn people that we talk about the Melissa Jenkins case. Jenkins was a mother and teacher here in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont, and she was raped and murdered by a married couple in 2012. So if you don't want to be reminded of this story, you might want to skip that section.JP Sinclair now runs a mill and works as a logger in the Northeast Kingdom. You can find him at Sinclair Millworks and Timber Harvesting
Credits and SponsorsThank you to writer and editor Mark Davis for his excellent feedback on this show.
Thanks also to Brian Clark who wrote the music for this show.
This show is sponsored by Honey Road, the best restaurant in Burlington, Vermont. Click below for menu and accolades....