Susan and I Talk About Cancer

A lot of you who listen to the show regularly already know Susan Randall. She’s a private investigator and an old friend and I interview her now and then for the show. A couple months ago Susan was diagnosed with breast cancer. It’s important to say right off that I think Susan’s going to be fine. The cancer hasn’t spread. She doesn’t need chemotherapy, and she’s almost done with her radiation therapy. But the diagnosis has made her think differently about her life. We got together at the hospital and talked about parenting, about aging, and mortality.
Thank you to the great people at Radiation Oncology at The University of Vermont--Kate and Lena, Heather and Dr. Nelson. Also thanks to the University of Vermont Breast Care Center and to Michael Carrese and Annie Mackin. To read more about Susan's private investigation business, go to And for more shows with Susan on Rumble Strip, just go to the episodes listed below.
Susan's private investigation business is called VTPrivateye
Music: Ticket to Ride, by the Carpenters.