Carl. A Different Breed of Cat

Directions to Carl Blaisdell's house: Go about seven miles down this road. Then there’s a road that kind of goes up to a Jersey farm on the left and then there’s a pond. But there's no sign to the pond. So after the pond, drive past the pull-off and Carl's trailer sits way up in a field at the top of that hill. There’s a lot of pipes. And a lot of cars and trucks. And lots and lots of hounds.But Carl wasn’t home. And so I went back the next day and we sat in his truck and talked. Carl’s trailer looks out over the farm he ran for most of his life, then sold. After farming, Carl seemed to make a smooth transition to being a mountain man, which is how he described himself, and the name pretty much fits. He’s private. He only goes to town to get something he needs. His life is close to the ground, to his dogs, and to the outside.Larry Massett was inspired by the hounds and made this short piece. It's called Where's Carl.[audio wav=""][/audio]CreditsThis interview was conducted while I was reporting for an episode about the Northeast Kingdom, by Brave Little State, which you can find HERE.Music for this episode is by Emily KueppersAnd here'sa link to Caplan's Army Store, where I have bought a LOT of socks.