Son Lux

Son Lux is a band that doesn't live comfortably in any genre. Their sound is massive, anthemic, but it's also strangely intimate. The rhythms are incredibly complex, and it's shot through with these bright details of sound. The project started in Ryan Lott’s brain in Cleveland, and then it grew by two--guitarist Rafiq Bhatia and drummer Ian Chang. They’re all composers and producers and improvisers. I think it’s fair to say they’re all wicked smart.I interviewed Ryan Lott just two days before he went out on tour for their new album, Brighter Wounds. We had a really interesting conversation about where music comes from, and how he makes it. Or where he finds it...
Image of Ryan by Zenith RichardsBand image by Lisa WassmannWebsite for Brighter WoundsA lot of Son Lux MusicNPR review of Brighter Wounds