Dunkin' Donuts

It's really dark here in Vermont this time of year. And every year, by the third week in January, I feel like I’m seeing everything through the wrong end of a telescope. A dirty telescope. I stop wanting to answer the phone. I have a hard time picking out a cereal at the store. Most mornings it just seems easier to wear what I wore to bed.After Trump’s first week in office, I feel worse than most years. And actually the whole world seems on edge. It seems like no one can decide how to help or what to do. Or how much to look or look away.Dunkin' Donuts and the library are the last two public places in most towns around here where everyone's welcome and no one wonders how long you’ll be there. For about a dollar you can stay at Dunkin' Donuts as long as you want. I went there to talk with people. Not about Trump necessarily. But about how their lives are going, and whether they fit into the famous middle class we keep hearing so much about. Also I went there because in January in Vermont, it’s good to sit in a bright place with a cup of coffee and talk with strangers.Credits and ThanksMy thanks to John Dillon and Scott Carrier. The music in the end of this show is by Vermont musician Peter Cressy. 


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