Jubal. Tail End of the Old School

I met Jubal Durivage through my boyfriend, Gordon. Gordon and his two partners, Robby and Hilton, own a small hydroelectric plant way up near the Canadian border. It was pretty rundown when they bought it, and over the years they’ve hired a lot of people to work on it, mostly from the Northeast Kingdom. Crane operators, engineers, and Jubal Durivage, one of the few certified bridge welders in Vermont. I heard a lot about Jubal before I met him from Gordon and Robby. They respect his work and the care he takes in his work. So with a little bit of arm twisting, Jubal agreed to talk with me at his house in Eden, Vermont.In this show, Jubal talks about an important teacher in his life as a welder, and mostly he talks about hunting--one of the great passions of his life. But in my mind this show isn't about hunting or welding, and I can't name what it is exactly. Maybe you can tell me.Welcome.